Our Great Story

A EMFAF co-funded project that will investigate how MSP can promote and enhance sectoral responses and, in case, cross-sectoral ones, to enable the green transition in the Mediterranean Sea. It will take into account the peculiarities of this semi-enclosed basin, its complex ecology, socio-economics and governance systems, the common cultural heritage and the important presence of non-EU countries. The project will allow EU countries to strengthen EGD related actions in the MSP plan finalization or implementation phases and to prepare the floor for the enhancement of such actions in the next cycle. Involvement of non-EU countries included in the Barcelona Convention will contribute to target EGD oriented, marine management coordinated actions at sea-basin level.

Objectives of the project: 


To advance the European Green Deal (EGD) transition in the Mediterranean Sea through transnational cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), undertaking an operational approach focusing on some key uses and activities (either traditional or emerging), relevant in the basin context.


To reinforce the sea basin dimension of MSP by strengthening the cross-border cooperation on MSP between EU MS, in line with the EGD objectives, and enlarging the cooperation to non-EU countries. 


Duration: 30 months (1 November 2024 – 30 April 2027)

Call: EMFAF-2023-PIA-MSP

Budget: 1.998.142.46 €


Coordinator: Spanish Institute of Oceanography, IEO(CSIC) (ES)



Consorzio per il Coordinamento delle Ricerche Inerenti al Sistema Lagunare di Venezia, CORILA (IT)

Affiliated Entities:

Universita di Venezia, IUAV (IT)

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR-ISMAR (IT)

Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine, Shom (FR)

Centre d’Etudes et d’Expertise sur les Risques l’Environnement la Mobilité et l’Amenagement, CEREMA (FR)

Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, UATh (EL)

Centre National de Recherche et de Developpement de la Peche et de l’aquaculture, CNRDPA (DZ)

Priority Actions Programme Regional, PAR/RAC

Associated Partners:

Planning Authority, PA (MT)

Sfax University, USFAX (TN)

Panteio Panepistimio Koinonikon Kaipolitikon Epistimon, PUNIV (EL)

Our Great Story

Structure of the project

WP1: Project management and coordination

Objective: Efficient management of the consortium including financial and technical issues.

Task 1.1: Project ignition

Task 1.2: Working procedures and governance

Task 1.3: Project Communication


WP2: Greening the MED through MSP: Sectors at work

Objective: to support EU MS to advance towards the EGD objectives in the marine/maritime domain. Building on MSP-GREEN project results, the work will focus on the three key maritime sectors: ORE, fishing and aquaculture. In addition to them, nature protection will be the fourth thematic entrance.

Task 2.1: State of play and MSP impact on the progression toward EGD objectives

Task 2.2: National actions to strengthen the EGD components of MSP plans

Task 2.3: A Mediterranean way towards the EGD goals in the marine domain through MSP


WP3: Greening the MED through MSP: a regional

Objective: disseminating and discussing the role of MSP in supporting the EGD-driven transition of considered key sectors (aquaculture, fisheries and offshore renewable energy) of current and future blue economy development in the Mediterranean as well as of nature protection coherently with the EGD objectives and targets. WP3 actions will be developed both at the national (in partners’ and associated partners’ countries) and sea-basin scale in different levels.

Task 3.1: Progressing towards the EGD objectives in sea planning and management in non-EU countries

Task 3.2: Advancing towards EGD-oriented MSP at the Mediterranean scale

Task 3.3: Engaging the MED-MSP-CoP to promote MSP as an enabler of EGD at the Mediterranean scale


WP4: Greening the Sea through MSP: maritime culture and exchanges

Objective: to offer bidirectional exchanges of information instead of a traditional one-way communication.

Task 4.1: Communicating EGD – MSP in the Mediterranean

Task 4.2: Exploring the non-economic values of MEDIGREEN sectors

Task 4.3: Beyond borders

Task 4.4: Knowledge sharing and transfer to strengthen the EGD components of data in MSP


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